What is a VNX Gold (VNXAU)?
Who owns the physical gold underlying the VNX Gold?
Where can I find the VNX Gold White Paper?
On which blockchains are VNX Gold tokens issued?
Can I get a fractional amount of the VNX Gold token?
Where can I buy VNX Gold (VNXAU)?
Is VNX Gold (VNXAU) listed on Coinmarketcap or CoinGecko?
What can I do with VNX Gold tokens?
Can I transfer VNX Gold tokens to another wallet?
How can I know which specific physical gold bar underlies my VNX Gold token?
Where will the gold I am buying be stored?
Is there a storage fee for the physical gold?
Is the physical gold insured?
What is the minimum and maximum order size for a purchase of VNX Gold?
How can I collect or request delivery of my gold from the storage?
What documents are needed for collecting the gold from the vault?
How can I request delivery of my physical gold?
What is the minimum amount of gold for delivery?
What are the terms and costs for gold delivery?